Four Seasons Redundant connections enable effective management of our overseas traffic...
Four Seasons Redundant connections enable effective management of our overseas traffic...

We provide access for our two hotels in Turkey via Teknotel Telecom Infrastructure. The redundant connections on Teknotel Telecom’s backbone

Data Processing Director - Four Seasons

We speak a common language with Çimentaş Group Teknotel Telecom..
We speak a common language with Çimentaş Group Teknotel Telecom..

Of course, we expect the high standards we adopt in our operations from our providers as well. The ticket mechanism and high-speed response of the ISP with which we work are very important to us. We speak a common language with Teknotel Telekom allowing us to get high-speed responses to our questions and effective solutions to our problems.

MIS Management - Çimentaş Group

Tupperware Teknotel Telekom has lightened our operation load and enabled us to save costs.
Tupperware Teknotel Telekom has lightened our operation load and enabled us to save costs.

With the internet and server hosting services we received from Teknotel Telekom, we decreased our workload and saved costs. We would like to thank Teknotel Telekom, a company that can understand, adapt to and provide service to a very dynamic company such as ours and its highly qualified solution oriented staff who were always there when we needed.

Data Processing Director - Tupperware


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